Make your Own Tortilla Wrap

Good for 2 pax


2 Pcs Tortilla Wrap

3 Slices Bacon, Diced

2 Sausage, Sliced

3 Shiitake Mushroom, Sliced

4 Tbsp Cheddar Cheese, Grated

2 Tbsp Oil

3 Small Eggs

1 Tbsp Butter

1 Tsp Garlic Powder

1 Tsp Onion Powder

Pinch of Salt

Honey Mustard


  1. Beat egg and heat pan with oil. Scramble eggs. Set aside.
  2. Using same pan stir fry sausage for 1 min. Set aside. Do the same for bacon.
  3. Fry mushroom with butter, garlic and onion powder. Set aside
  4. Fold tortilla wrap into quarter, cut one side of the quarter.
  5. Assemble each ingredient onto each quarter of the tortilla wrap. Drizzle with some honey mustard or whole grain mustard.
  6. Lift the bottom left quarter and fold it onto the top of the left quarter, then to the top right and finally to the bottom right. Make sure you press lightly and tuck all the ingredients in at each step.
  7. Pan fried on a heated pan for 1 min until wrap is lightly brown. Serve hot


  1. Fresh garlic and onion can be use instead of powder. If using fresh garlic and onion, pan fry with a little oil until lightly brown.
  1. Other variation such as ham, lettuce, tomato can be used.