3-4 Pcs Rabbit Fish (Bai Nian Yu) You can also use Pomfrets, Red Snapper or Sea bass
3 Stalks of Spring Onion
4 Slices of Ginger
½ Bottle of Samsui Ginger Sauce (Can get from FairPrice or Soup Restaurant)
1 Tsp Soya Sauce (Optional, adjust according to taste)
1. Clean and gut fish.
2. Wash and cut spring onion into 3-4cm segment. We want to use more of the white portion and less of the green leaves. Can keep some of the green leaves for other dishes
3. Lay the spring onion on the plate as a bedding for the fish to prevent it from sticking to the plate.
4. Stuff a slice of ginger on the stomach of the fish.
5. Place fish on top of the spring onion and spread the ginger sauce generously over the whole fish.
6. Steam for 10mins or until eye of fish turns white. Serve hot and garnish with some cut spring onion.